Saturday, August 20, 2016

VI.Research and Information Seeking

          One of the ideal applications laid down to ICT and the World Wide Web is for research and education since web 1.0, the main objectives of internet sites are to share and disseminate information.

          There are five information sources over the internet. These websites are the:

1. Web Search Engine 

         -this we site are use to find or to look for information, files, or photos. This web sites are helpful to all people. The best example for thjis web site is the Google, which is widely used by all the people.

2.Research Indexing sites

          -in this web sites you can find all the compiled work done by a professionals, such as academic researchers, engineers, social scientists, and many more.

3.Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)

         - this web sites enables people to study online. This web sites are similar to classroom wherein all the lectures, assignments, projects and any related activities in studying are done and pass through online.

4. Employment Web sites

        - this web sites enables all the companies or any establishment to post all the job vacancies. This web site is also more convenient and more helpful  to the job seekers. It is because job seekers can find work that is related to their educational background and they can apply and also, to pass t5heir resume through online or electronic means.

5. Electronic Commerce

          - this is simply called e-commerce. This is the web sites were trading are done. All the business sector can post there product and sell it through online. While for the costumer, it is more convenient and more easy way to shop.

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